In the matches of the mixed category is mandatory to have at least 3 girls always in the field. Currently we have 2 teams in this category.
- CERN II playing in the highest relax category XA
- CERN III playing in the lower category XD
See the official SVRGE webpage to consult current results.
How to join
Usually at the beginning of the season in September we allow the new players to join us for few trainings, without any obligations. The players that decide to continue for the rest of the year are required to pay a membership fee of 100CHF to participate to the trainings and the matches. Reduced fees might be approved by the president on a case-by-case basis. Around October usually the league starts and we will need to choose the core teams for the matches (normally 12 players per match to allow flexible substitutions) , which of course need to be best players from our section. You can choose (or the coach will choose) whether you prefer to stay with CERN II or CERN III, but players are not allowed to participate in 2 leagues at the same time.
To come for the trial training(s), first please contact us (ALL IN COPY TO THE MAIL):
- Giulia Gnemmi:
- Sara Celani:
- Iacopo Bellotti:
Indoor Trainings
We have trainings 3 times a week, each of them in a different place and with slightly different purpose.
Tuesdays 20.00 – 22.00
Training in Ecole CEPTA-Mécanique (Lancy focused on CERN II. Normally number of participants is limited to 14 players and CERN II players that regularly come for the matches have the priority. This slot is also reserved for CERN II home matches. When there is a match, normal training is cancelled.
Thursdays 20.00 – 22.00
Training in CEC André Chavannes (Grand-Saconnex focused on CERN III. Normally number of participants is limited to 14 players and CERN III players that regularly come for the matches have the priority. Very often during these trainings we prioritize individual techniques development and players skills progression. This slot is also reserved for CERN III home matches. When there is a match, normal training is cancelled.
Fridays 20.00 – 22.00
Training in Ecole CEPTA-Mécanique (Lancy – depending on availability. Type of the training is usually decided ad-hoc, depending on available players. We still try to limit number of participants to 14 to avoid chaotic and dangerous situations.
Subscriptions to the trainings
A subscription to the training is mandatory, currently we are using a newdle link shared in a WhatsApp group. Once you show your interest in joining the club, one of the section responsible will send you an invitation link for the group. Please avoid last minute changes to your subscription to the training, as you might have prevented another person to join. If you have a CERN account please login before filling the form in order to avoid multiple entry with your name. If you don’t have a CERN account explanation will be given on how to login. Before each training around lunchtime one of the organizers will send a whatsapp text with the list of confirmed participants taken from the doodle, so make sure you are subscribed to the group mentioned before.
Pizza 🙂
After our trainings we often go for beer/pizza. Be ready to have some time after training to join us :).

Educational materials
If you have never played volleyball in 1-5 system (1 setter, 5 other players with specific functions) it might be a good idea to read about Positions and Rotations to avoid confusion during our practice games.